Jules Verne Forum



La journée d'un journaliste américain

From: Christian Sánchez <chvsanchez~at~arnet.com.ar>
Date: Sun, 20 Apr 2003 19:05:12 -0300
To: "Jules Verne Forum" <jvf~at~Gilead.org.il>

Dear friends,

Thanks to M. Serge Goluch, I could finish comparing the three versions of "La journée d'un journaliste américain". The differences are very interesting. You can see them here (www.geocities.com/chvsanchez/verne/comparaf.html).

However, M. Goluch have not given me the permission to display the whole text of the third version, so you will see only the differences between that one and the others two. The situation will stay this way until a) M. Goluch changes his mind; b) other member of the forum supplies me with his own text; c) I get my own copy of "Hier et Demain".

I can show some differences between the 1910 version and the previous ones:

The story is set in 2889, not 2890.
The telegraph is an antediluvian apparatus, not an ancient one.
The city is Centropolis, not Universal City.
The new planet Gandini turns around the Sun in 572 years, not 272 years.
It is used a pulsograph, not a sismograph.

Some sentences are added and some are eliminated, as the reference to the electric "chair"!


Christian Sánchez
Rosario, Argentina
Received on Mon 21 Apr 2003 - 01:10:55 IDT

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