Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas
An Underwater Tour of the World
Translated from the Original French
With the Paintings of Milo Winter

The Bay of Vigo
Text prepared by: F. P. Walter, 5981 McKinney Dr. NE, Albuquerque, New
Mexico 87109. (505) 821-5678.
A complete, unabridged translation of Vingt milles lieues sous
les mers by Jules Verne, based on the original French texts published
in Paris by J. Hetzel et Cie. over the period 1869-71.
The paintings of Illinois watercolorist Milo Winter (1888-1956)
first appeared in a 1922 juvenile edition published by Rand McNally &
Verne’s title: The French title of this novel is Vingt
mille lieues sous les mers. This is accurately translated as
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the SEAS, rather than the
SEA, as with many English editions. Verne’s novel features a tour of
the major oceans, and the term Leagues in its title is used as a
measure not of depth but distance. FPW.
Edited to HTML by Zvi Har’El
Copyright © Zvi
$Date: 2007/12/23 17:44:38 $