The Société Jules Verne was founded in Paris in 31 July, 1935. The founding president was the late Jean H. Guermonprez, Vice-Consule of France in Liège, Belgium. It was active for 3 years only, and activities ceased because of the Second World War. It didn’t resume its activities until 1966. After three years of presidency of the late Joseph Laissus, Director of L’École Technique Supérieure du Laboratoire, Dr. Olivier Dumas became president, and he has been serving in this office until this very day.
The Société publishes a quarterly, Bulletin de la Société Jules Verne. All correspondence about the Bulletin should be directed to the secretariat: Eric Weissenberg, 2, Rue des Bossons, 1213 Onex, Genève, Suisse, Fax: +41-22-7939235.