Jules Verne Stamps


Maldives—29 July 2004

Jules Verne: Visions and Adventures. (first issue).
“The Archipelago on Fire”, “Clovis Dartentor”, “The Golden Volcano”, “The Mighty Orinoco”
[DE] 4368-4371


“Kerban the Inflexible”
[DE] Block 575 [4388]


Jules Verne: Visions and Adventures. (second issue).
“Family Without Name”
[DE] 4372-4375


“Family Without Name”
[DE] Block 576 [4389]


Jules Verne: Visions and Adventures. (third issue).
“César Cascabel”
[DE] 4376-4379


“César Cascabel”
[DE] Block 577 [4391]


Jules Verne: Visions and Adventures. (fourth issue).
“Lighthouse at the End of the World”
[DE] 4380-4383


“Lighthouse at the End of the World”
[DE] Block 578 [4392]


Jules Verne: Visions and Adventures. (fifth issue, 2005).
“Michael Strogoff”
[DE] 4384-4387


“The Survivors of the Chancelor”
[DE] Block 579 [4392]


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Copyright © Zvi Har’El
$Date: 2008/01/29 22:21:43 $