The Complete Jules Verne Bibliography

(work in progress)


Volker Dehs, Jean-Michel Margot & Zvi Har’El

II. Short Stories

Most of Jules Verne’s short stories are youth works. Many were published in the Musée des familles (for short, Musée), a magazine edited by Pitre-Chevalier (1813-1863), a native of Nantes, like Jules Verne. None of the short stories was planned to be a part of the Voyages Extraordinaires. Some of the short stories were added by Hetzel to complete a novel which was to short to reach the size of a volume. The Voyages extraordinaires include two short story collections, with Hier et Demain published only posthumously (cf. X. Apocrypha). This part has four sections:
  1. Short story collections
    Five, of which only one was published during Jules Verne’s lifetime,
  2. Short stories:
    Stories published during Jules Verne’s lifetime,
  3. Posthumous stories:
    Short stories published after Jules Verne’s death,
  4. Short apocrypha:
    Short stories which were believed to be written by Jules Verne.

II-1. Short story collections

II-2. Short stories

Often the text which was published in the Musée has been modified by Jules Verne himself for the publication in a book. The illustrations are also different. The publication in a volume is considered to be the original edition. Here is the list of the stories which were published in Jules Verne’s lifetime:
  1. [DM] Un drame au Mexique. 5 chapters.
  2. [DA] Un Drame dans les airs. 1-2 chapters.
  3. [MP] Martin Paz. 9-10 chapters.
  4. [MZ] Maître Zacharius. 5 chapters.
  5. [HG] Un hivernage dans les glaces. 16 chapters.
  6. [CH] Le Comte de Chanteleine. 15 chapters.

    Note: Jules Verne planned to include Le Comte de Chanteleine in his short story collection Souvenirs d’Enfence et de Jeunesse. However, the latter was not published in his lifetime, and his son Michel decided to exclude this story from the collection Hier et Demain. Thus, strictly speaking, it is does not belong to the Voyages extraordinaires.

  7. [FB] Les Forceurs de blocus.
  8. [DO] Une fantaisie du Docteur Ox.
  9. [AA] Une ville idéale.
  10. [RY] Les révoltés de la Bounty.

    Note: The original text was written by Gabriel Marcel (1843-1909), a geographer of the National Library who worked with Hetzel and Jules Verne in writing the Découverte de la Terre and La Conquête Géographique et économique du monde. Jules Verne’s work was proofreading. According to the bill (27 July 1879), Verne baught all rights of the short story for an amount of 300 French Francs.

  11. [DC] Dix heures en chasse.
  12. [FF] Frritt-Flacc. 7 chapters.
  13. [GB] Gil Braltar.
  14. [JN] La Journée d’un journaliste américain en 2890

    Note: This short story written by Jules Verne was inspired by a short story by Michel Verne, written in October-November 1888 and published first in English in The Forum (New York) with the title In the Year 2889 (vol. VI, February 1889, pp. 662-677).

  15. [FP] Aventures de la famille Raton. 17 chapters (16 chapters in the two known handwritten manuscripts).
  16. [MK] Monsieur Ré-Dièze et Mademoiselle Mi-Bémol

II-3. Posthumous stories

The following stories were not published in Jules Verne’s lifetime:
  1. [CJ] Pierre-Jean. 5 chapters.

    Note: This short story was modified by Michel Verne to give La destinée de Jean Morénas.

  2. [SR] Le Siège de Rome. 5 chapters.
  3. [MT] Le Mariage de Mr Anselme des Tilleuls. 1 chapter.
  4. [SA] San Carlos
  5. [HU] Moeurs américaines. Le Humbug.
  6. [ED] Edom.

    Note: Was this text written by Jules or by Michel Verne? The question is still controversial among the Jules Verne specialists and scholars. One handwritten manuscript by Michel Verne was discovered, but not deeply analyzed to get a definite answer to the above mentioned question. Anyway, this text was transformed by Michel to give L’Éternel Adam, published in Hier et Demain.

II-4. Short apocrypha

This list would not be complete without the apocrypha, those short stories which were beleived to be Jules Verne’s but were really written by others:
  1. [CU] Un cauchemar. Manoeuvres. Intelligences. Délits fantastiques.
  2. [QA] Quarantième ascension française au Mont-Blanc.

    Note: This text was never credited to Jules Verne. However, the latter did a proofreading of it.

  3. La Traversée de la Manche en 1895. by Michel Verne.
  4. Zigzags à travers la science. by Michel Verne.

    Note: During the year 1888, Michel Verne wrote nine scientific articles published in the Supplément litteraire du Figaro in Paris. These articles are reproduced in the Bulletin de la Société Jules Verne, no. 106 (1993), pp. 10-42.

  5. [EF] Un express de l’avenir. by Michel Verne.
  6. [EL] L’Éternel Adam.

    Note: This is a short story written by Michel Verne and based on Edom.

  7. [DJ] La Destinée de Jean Morénas. by Michel Verne.

    Note: This is a short story written by Michel Verne and based on Pierre-Jean.

  8. [RZ] De Rotterdam à Copenhague à bord du yacht à vapeur Saint-Michel. by Paul Verne.
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Copyright © Zvi Har’El
$Date: 2007/11/24 18:36:31 $