The other day I tried to view the Walker Gif's from Terre a Lune with
Aldus Photostyler. I got a message that "Phtoostyler does not recognize
this format *.GIF". Photostyler reads and creates other GIF's with no
problem. Is there something peculiar about these GIF's? Perhaps I forgot
to type "binary" when FTP? Suggestions on a GIF reader/printer/converter
which will read these images? I will try antoher download to be sure it
is not my problem. I made an enlargement of the 20K map with Photostyler,
and it came out pretty good at 8x10 inches.
Norman M. Wolcott
301-340-9317 (O)
Received on Tue 05 Mar 1996 - 22:20:29 IST