Jules Verne Forum



Re: Julio Verne (fwd)

From: Guillermo Munoz <G.Munoz~at~fys.ruu.nl>
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 1996 16:59:32 +0100 (MET)
To: G.deVries~at~fys.ruu.nl
Cc: jvf~at~math.technion.ac.il

> Guillermo,
> Je zou me een heel groot plezier doen als je dit briefje in het Engels zou
> vertalen. Je kunt het terugsturen naar jvf~at~math.technion.ac.il
> Alvast bedankt!
> =09Garmt.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Sat, 9 Nov 1996 19:06:16 +0200
> From: Dennis Kytasaari <djk~at~xnet.com>
> Reply-To: jvf~at~math.technion.ac.il
> To: Multiple recipients of list <jvf~at~math.technion.ac.il>
> Subject: Re: Julio Verne
> > Can anyone on the Jules Verne forum translate Peruvian (Spanish?)? I can
i> > pick up on some phrases like submarine, Jules Verne, etc.
> > I've always enjoyed the international appeal of Verne and here is more
> > proof!
> > Henry Hemmerde wrote:
> >=20
> > Mi nombre es Raul Carvallo, vivo en el Per=FA, yo pienso que Julio Verne
> > es un gran autor, lo que yo he leido de =E9l es: 20.000 Leguas de Viajes
> > Submarino, La vuelta al Mundo en 80 dias, Viaje alCentro de la Tierra, 5
> > Semanas en Globo,etc.
> >=20
> > Mi opinion es muy buena sobre =E9l, quisiera que me contestaran mi cart=
> a
> > a la direccion de internet(que es del Colegio porque yo no tengo):
> >=20
> > Yo vivo en Lima, Per=FA, y tengo 11 anos, pero cumplo el 23 de diciembre=
> =2E
> > Mi direccion es: Alameda de los molinos 232(interior 106) La encanteda
> > Villa Chorrillos.
> > Once again, any translators?
> > Henry Hemmerde wrote:
> >=20
> > Yo pienso que Julio Verne es el mejor autor de la historia por su gran
> > maestria al escribir todos sus libros . Mi nombre es Pedro Munoz.
Hallo! Mi name is Guillermo Munoz. I am from Badajoz, Spain. Actually I am a senior student
in Utrecht, Holland. I was asked to translate the messages above. Since my brother is also
called Pedro Munoz, and since I have always loved "Julio Verne", I will do it with pleasure.
The first message is:
My name is Raul Carvallo, I live in Per=FA, I think that Jules Verne is a great author,
what I read written by him is: 20.000 leagues under the sea, Around the world in 80 days,
Journey to the centre of the Earth, 5 weeks in a balloon.
 My opinion about =E91 is very good, and I would like you to answer my letter to the
following address( Internet address from my school since I dont have any):

I live in Lima, Per=FA, and I am 11, but my birthday is on Dec.,23rd=2E
My address is: Alameda de los Molinos 232(interior 106) La encanteda
Villa Chorrillos.

The second message is:
I think that Jules Verne is the best author ever for his great talent on
writing all his books. My name is Pedro Munoz.
Received on Wed 13 Nov 1996 - 18:00:10 IST

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