Jules Verne Forum




From: Tim Unwin <tunwin~at~mersinet.co.uk>
Date: Sun, 5 Apr 1998 19:03:42 +0100
To: "Jules Verne Forum" <jvf~at~math.technion.ac.il>

Am I alone in finding that large attachments on postings have recently
become something of a problem on this otherwise excellent list?

For those who are billed per second online, or for those who are
simply in a hurry, it seems something of an unnecessary luxury to be
documents that may take several minutes to download, especially if it turns
out that they don't require them anyway. Wouldn't it be better netiquette --
and less wasteful of people's time and patience -- to put out a message
first asking if anyone wants to receive a particular file, then to send
it simply to those who request it?

Tim Unwin.
Received on Sun 05 Apr 1998 - 22:57:24 IDT

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