Jules Verne Forum



Re: milennium project

From: Raymond Macon <maconr~at~rmi.net>
Date: Mon Dec 13 23:37:47 1999
To: "Jules Verne Forum" <jvf~at~math.technion.ac.il>, Jules Verne Forum <jvf~at~math.technion.ac.il>


I live in Boulder, Colorado. I'm probably too far south of Fogg's route. He took
the railroad across the United States from San Francisco to New York. I believe
he traveled through California, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming, and Nebraska on his way
through the western half of this country. If so, he never saw Colorado.
Nevertheless, I'd like to help if I can.

Received on Mon 13 Dec 1999 - 23:37:47 IST

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