Jules Verne Forum




From: Raymond Macon <maconr~at~rmi.net>
Date: Tue Dec 21 06:32:13 1999
To: "Jules Verne Forum" <jvf~at~math.technion.ac.il>, Jules Verne Forum <jvf~at~math.technion.ac.il>

Hello Martijn,

I'll be standing by at the agreed upon hour.

Raymond in Boulder, CO USA.

"As a young man, my fondest dream was to become a
geographer. However, while working in the customs
office I thought deeply about the matter and
concluded that it was too difficult a subject.
With some reluctance, I then turned to physics as
a substitute."
               --Albert Einstein (unpublished letters)

e-mail: maconr~at~rmii.com, maconr~at~boulder.lib.co.us
Web Page: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Oracle/5757
Received on Tue 21 Dec 1999 - 06:32:13 IST

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