Jules Verne Forum



Re: 80 seconds in half an hour

From: harold long <keenes~at~earthlink.net>
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 1999 07:34:47 -0800
To: "Jules Verne Forum" <jvf~at~math.technion.ac.il>

Are you sure you got the right Harold? I am waiting with chap 25 - tell me if you want me or not
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: martijn van calmthout
  To: jvf~at~math.technion.ac.il (Jules Verne Forum)
  Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 1999 7:01 AM
  Subject: 80 seconds in half an hour

  dear Fogg friends,

  everything is ready and set

  in exactly half an hour (15.30 GMT) we will flash around the globe in 80 seconds at the most.

  I will send you one last alert at 15.25. please do not reply

  check the list below, please, so everything is clear

  note that harold long is no longer on the list

  martijn van calmthout tijn~at~euronet.nl Netherlands 15.30 GMT + 1.00 16.30 local
  Garmt de Vries G.deVries~at~phys.uu.nl Netherlands 15.30 GMT + 1.00 16.30
  charlie charlie~at~netbusiness.it Italy 15.30 GMT + 1.00 16.30
  Constantina Spiliopoulou simplex~at~otenet.gr Greece 15.30 GMT + 2.00 17.30
  Zvi Har'El rl~at~math.technion.ac.il Isreal 15.30 GMT + 2.00 17.30
  svati dasgupta dasgupta~at~nde.vsnl.net.in India 15.30 GMT + 5.30 21.00
  raymond macon maconr~at~rmi.net US, Boulder 15.30 GMT - 7.00 08.30
  michael Duke mikeyd~at~usit.net US, Jackson T 15.30 GMT - 6.00 09.30
  martijn van calmthout tijn~at~euronet.nl Netherlands 15.30 GMT + 1.00 16.30

  good luck

  Martijn van Calmthout
  science writer
  de Volkskrant
  Amsterdam,, the Netherlands
  31 20 5622587
Received on Wed 22 Dec 1999 - 17:30:50 IST

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