Jules Verne Forum



80 seconds

From: charlie <charlie~at~netbusiness.it>
Date: Thu, 23 Dec 1999 00:09:05 +0100
To: "Zvi Har'El" <rl~at~math.technion.ac.il>

Dear Zvi,

I was the problem...
>From yesterday I had a trouble with my server.
Today in the afternoon they told me that everything was OK. I made
tests with Martijn, Garmt and Costantina but during the journey
the server connection was interrupted by them, for minutes, again.
To all participants: " Please accept my apologies ".
Sorry Garmt !!!

I hope better fortune in the new Millennium.

Received on Thu 23 Dec 1999 - 09:43:07 IST

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$Date: 2009/02/01 22:36:11 $$