Jules Verne Forum



Verne's early writings

From: <tunwin~at~mail06.onetel.net.uk>
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 14:27:11 GMT
To: jvf~at~math.technion.ac.il

A question for those of you familiar with Verne's earliest

Marc Soriano edited a volume entitled (I think) _Les quatre
premiers écrits
de Jules Verne_, which included _Les Premiers Navires de la
mexicaine_, _Un voyage en ballon_, _Les Châteaux en
Californie_ and _Martin
Paz_. But Verne did of course produce texts prior to the
first of these
(which dates from 1851). Apart from Christian Robin's
recently edition of
_Un prêtre en 1839_ in the Cherche Midi series, what else is
either as mss or in print? I have tracked down _Les Pailles
rompues_ in the BnF (on microfiche),
but would be especially interested to know if _La
Conspiration des poudres_,
_Un drame sous la régence_, or _Abdallah_ are available. I'd
also be
interested to know if _De Charybde en Scylla_ (1852) is still
in existence.

Merci d'avance

Tim Unwin
Received on Fri 27 Sep 2002 - 19:47:36 IDT

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