Jules Verne Forum



Getting texts from Project Gutenberg

From: Norm Wolcott <nwolcott2~at~kreative.net>
Date: Wed, 3 Sep 2003 12:22:58 -0400
To: "Jules Verne Forum" <jvf~at~Gilead.org.il>

This is just to let you know that the "official" Project Gutenberg site is
no longer being updated. The best way to get to the current Project
Gutenberg status is with:


which contains links to relevant activities search etc.

If you are looking for the latest works, Kereban, Strogoff etc it is best to
select GUTINDEX.ALL which is updated every friday and search for "verne ".
You will then find the latest books first, then going back in time.
Unfortunately you must then again search the appropriate year for the
filename. Look for more Verne in french as they convert the Gallica pdf

The "Browse" index always seems to be about 6 months out of date.

nwolcott2~at~post.harvard.edu Friar Wolcott, Gutenberg Abbey, Sherwood Forrest
Received on Wed 03 Sep 2003 - 19:27:23 IDT

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$Date: 2009/02/01 22:36:11 $$