Jules Verne Forum



Re: Aircraft Flying

From: Peter Harold <haroldmania~at~yahoo.se>
Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2005 14:55:55 +0100 (CET)
To: Jules Verne Forum <jvf~at~Gilead.org.il>

Good question!
I was aksing myself the same question. As you describe
it, the Wright brothers did their flights without any
large audience. I have done some research on
contemporary Swedish media, and find information about
Wright Brothers published in later years. It seems to
me they was much more into research and and handling
and less into Public Relations.

If someone could find letters by Verne from that time
describing these first flights with airplane, then our
doubts are gone. But now, I don't think Verne knew
anything about this flights. In fact, in my own
school-books (from the 70-ies), it is clearly stated
that Wright Brothers made the first flight in 1904!

Beside this, Verne wasn't very well in his last year
in life. I don't know how much is documented from his
last 6 months. Information wanted!

Best regards

 --- N Wolcott <nwolcott~at~dsdial.net> skrev:
> Having just reviewed "Robur" with its 36 helicopter
> propellors, I wondered if Verne ever had the
> opportunity to learn of the Wright brother's flight
> in 1903. In fact I do not know when it became
> generally known even in the US., due to their
> secrecy. And of course in Europe it is considered
> that Bleriot was the first person to "fly" a heavier
> than air aircraft, and that was not until 1906. And
> it was not until 1959 that the US finally recognized
> 1903 as the first flight, officially.
> N Wolcott nwolcott2~at~post.harvard.edu
Received on Fri 28 Jan 2005 - 15:56:00 IST

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