Jules Verne Forum



Floating city--Blockade Runners

From: N Wolcott <nwolcott~at~dsdial.net>
Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2005 10:49:59 -0500
To: "Jules Verne Forum" <jvf~at~Gilead.org.il>

Does anyone have the 1st Sampson Low edition of the above book, where the two were published in the same volume? I would like to know if there is any information about translators on the title page. Seems I have seen it somewhere. I would also like to know if the Scribners edition was published from the English plates, to this end is the title of Chapter III missing from the book? It is in the Scribner edition.

N Wolcott nwolcott2~at~post.harvard.edu
Received on Sat 05 Feb 2005 - 02:04:07 IST

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