Jules Verne Forum



Abridged editiions

From: N Wolcott <nwolcott~at~dsdial.net>
Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2005 15:48:38 -0500
To: "Jules Verne Forum" <jvf~at~Gilead.org.il>

Reading the introduction to Emanuel Mickel's 20K, he mentions that Sampson Low were not the only ones to cut Verne novels, but that Hachette upon taking over the Hetzel corpus in 1928 also issued 20% cut versions of 20,000 Lealgues, but that readers, having the text in 2 separate volumes, might suppose they were getting the whole thing. He says it was not until the Recontre edition of 1969 that the full volume became available. My question is, does this mean that all the Hachette editiions, Biblioteque Verte etc are all chopped? And what about the Livre de Poche editions, many of which have a "texte integral" sticker on them, are they too suspect? And do they still issue the cut editiions? And what about the many french versions on the internet? This is another problem we don't need to have???

N Wolcott nwolcott2~at~post.harvard.edu
Received on Sun 27 Feb 2005 - 23:26:06 IST

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