Jules Verne Forum



Greyhound/Forward/Sloughi? (Deux ans de vacances)

From: Peter Harold <haroldmania~at~yahoo.se>
Date: Thu, 7 Apr 2005 14:50:18 +0200 (CEST)
To: jvf~at~Gilead.org.il

Dear friends!

Just exercising to learn some french, I am about
making a new Swedish translation of the novel "Deux
ans de vacances". It seems to me that this novel have
been treated in funny ways: The name of the ship got
different name in different language. The short
version here in Sweden uses FRAM, but I would like to
keep my style close to the original version. In an
danish translation (well, I have to cheat a little
bit!) the ship is named GREYHOUND. There is no
surprise that also the name FORWARD also exist. Now
reading the french version mr Zydorczak have pleased
us with on the web, says the ship is called Sloughi.
(And of course I have to ask mr Zydorczak for
permission using his text, but I am just exercising

Dear friends, do you have any opinion which one I
should choose? Myself, I would prefer the name Jules
Verne choosed. Could I be sure the french version is
the right one? Beside this, do you have any comments
about this story — perhaps some trevia about Hetzels
input in this work?


Best regards
Peter Harold
Received on Thu 07 Apr 2005 - 15:50:24 IDT

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