Jules Verne Forum



The journey to the arctic Jules Verne never did

From: Peter Harold <haroldmania~at~yahoo.se>
Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2006 15:15:10 +0100 (CET)
To: jvf~at~Gilead.org.il

Dear friends!

According to the Finish newspaper Åbo Tidning N:o 90
1884, Jules Verne was going to make a journey to the
Arctics. "The famous French writer, has rented a large
sailship, which on it he is planning to make a journey
for the Arctic regions, undertaking research for a new

I remember I read in some biography about Verne that
he, in an interview, stated that he was going to sell
his S:t Michel III after [the last] journey to
Midterrarian, and buy him a larger sailing ship for a
ocean cross ocean-trip with a larger company. This
never happend, but I wonder if this statement had
anything to do with the article of Åbo Tidning.

Well, that was just a small observation that I had to
give you before the weekend... I would be happy to
hear any comments about these old "news".

Best regards
Peter Harold
Received on Fri 24 Feb 2006 - 16:15:17 IST

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