Jules Verne Forum



Jules Verne, consuming the wine of coca?

From: Cristian Tello <destro777~at~hotmail.com>
Date: Tue, 01 Aug 2006 17:47:41 +0000
To: jvf~at~Gilead.org.il, alvaromejia~at~hotmail.com

Dear all:
Thanks the assistance of one friend, I found a curious information about Verne. According to this page in spanish: http://perso.wanadoo.es/jcuso/drogas-medicamentos/coca-cocaina-mariani.htm, Verne used to drink the wine of coca, he's mentioned in the web page among other famous people. I've done the translation in order that you could read it:

The Corsican chemist Angelo Mariani (1838-1914) achieved excellent reputation and an immense fortune at the end of the XIXth century thanks to a wine of coca of own elaboration, which began to make in 1863 and soon to turn into the favorite of many celebrities of the epoch: William McKinley, Émile Zola, Paul Verlaine, Sigmund Freud, Louis Blériot, José Martí, Ulises Grant, Jules Verne, Thomas A. Edison, Alexandre Dumas, Louis y Auguste Lumière, Henrik Ibsen, Sarah Bernhardt, Robert L. Stevenson, Anatole France, Zadoc Khan, Jean Charcot, the Prince of Wales, the queen Victoria, the tzar Alejandro II, Alfonso XIII, the Sha of Persia, etc..


I would want to know if someone of you have any information about this.....thanks...


Sincerely from Peru

Ing. Cristian Tello





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