Jules Verne Forum



Re: Hidden Treasures: The Manuscripts of "Twenty Thousand Leagues"

From: Ralf Tauchmann <ralf.tauchmann~at~t-online.de>
Date: 29 Aug 2006 09:50 GMT
To: "Jules Verne Forum" <jvf~at~gilead.org.il>

"wbutcher" <wbutcher~at~netvigator.com> schrieb:
> The present resolution is extremely high, much better than a photocopy, and
> in fact better than having the original: you just have to wait a few seconds
> after the initial image appears.

Dear Bill,

Thank you. It seems I was not patient enough (for a first brief look).

Kind regards,

Ralf Tauchmann
tel: +49-351-8336141 fax: -8336142
http://www.ratau.de ; http://www.brassens.de
3rd Brassens festival: 15/09 Berlin -16/09 Basdorf
Received on Tue 29 Aug 2006 - 12:51:12 IDT

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