Jules Verne Forum



Re: Maitresse et fille de JV

From: Jean-Pierre Boutin <boutin~at~versailles.inra.fr>
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2006 17:45:21 +0200
To: Jules Verne Forum <jvf~at~gilead.org.il>

Chers amis, (see below for an English translation)
Je suis d’accord avec Bernhard qu’il n’y a pas la moindre preuve
directe qu'Estelle Henin-Duchesne a été la maîtresse de JV (pourtant
cette hypothèse est actuellement largement acceptée …) et que JV est le
père de sa fille Marie. Il y a cependant un large corpus de preuves
indirectes qui supportent les hypothèses de Percereau, Dumas et
Weissenberg et elles sont présentées dans le dernier Bulletin de la
Societé JV. Elles résident dans certains événements mal expliqués
survenus dans la vie de JV spécialement en 1865 et en 1886 et
principalement dans les œuvres du maître, spécialement dans les
premiers jets des manuscrits, sous forme de similitudes entre la
réalité (éventuellement possible) et le roman, dans les dates, dans
l’adresses de domiciles, dans noms de personnes, dans les trajets
accompli par un personnage et JV lui même ... Cette habitude de JV de
truffer ses romans de références avec des événement de sa vie est bien
connue et prouvée. Je pense donc que parler de mythe à propos de ces
hypothèses n’est pas correct dans le sens ou ce qualificatif tend à
discréditer l’important travail fait par ces verniens et leurs
conclusions. La principale question est : est ce que ces preuves
existent toujours ? Mon avis est oui, certainement … quelque part chez
un descendant de JV. Alors, pourquoi ne les révèlent-ils pas ? Il y a
deux raisons évidentes : la préservation de l’image publique de JV et,
pourquoi pas, l’intérêt financier, une descendance adultérine de JV
pouvant revendiquer une part des droits sur la ventes de ses romans.
Cette dernière raison n’est pas si triviale.
Ceci ne constitue évidemment que mon opinion et ... je le partage... ;-)
Amitiés à tous,
Jean-Pierre Boutin

Dear Friend,
I agree with Bernhard that there is not the least direct proof than
Estelle Henin-Duchesne was the mistress of JV (however this assumption
is currently largely accepted…) and that JV is the father of her
daughter Marie. There is however a large body of circumstancial
evidences (in French "preuves indirectes") which support the
assumptions of Perceveau, Dumas and Weissenberg presented in the last
issue of the Bulletin of the Société JV. They reside in certain poorly
explained events which occurred in the life of JV especially in 1864-65
and in 1886 and mainly in the novels of the Master, especially in the
first drafts of the manuscripts, in the form of similarities between JV
real life and the fiction, in dates, the names and addresses of
residences of real people and characters, the travel achieved by
characters and JV himself… This practice of JV to include references to
events of his life in his novels is well known and proven. I thus
think that it is not correct to speak about myth in connection with
these assumptions because this qualifier tends to discredit the
important work made by these vernians and their conclusions. The
principal question is: are evidences always exist? My opinion is yes,
certainly… somewhere at some descendant of JV. Then, why don't they
reveal them? There are two obvious reasons: the safeguarding of the
public image of JV and, last but not least, financial interest, an
adulterous progeny of JV who can assert a share of the rights on the
sales of its novels.
This constitutes obviously only my opinion...
All the best,

Le lundi, 9 oct 2006, à 16:25 Europe/Paris, BGYKrauth a écrit :

> O.k., I will take the time to translate my former message into english:
> Some months ago by this forum was announced a "Sensation", a dicovery
> from the Société JV concerning evidences about some relations of JV to
> some other women and that there should be also a daughter...
> Now the SJV published the result of their researches in the Bulletin
> No. 159.
> I do not understand why it was said this reports are sensational.
> Bringing it to some culminated points:
> 1.) N. Percereau and O. Dumas and E. Weissenberg did some excellent
> researches and analyses
> 2.) Only "Evidence" or "proof" of some relation between Jules Verne
> and Estelle Hénin / Duchesne is given by the statement of Jean-Jules
> Verne in his 1973 biographie where he indicates the name and residence
> place of a woman to be brought into relation with JV without naming
> any detailed facts. (Charles Noel Martin lateron (1979) confirmed
> first that a person of the name Estelle Duchesne was real)
> 3.) With this informations N. Percerau succeded to find a person
> carrying this name at this place in the time of interest.
> 4.) with these new informations  Dumas and Weissenberg found now in
> JV's works a couple of surprising paralells, and with them they
> constructed some very realistic looking theories.
> All this is giving to the questions the appearance that it might
> (have) be(en) the reality, meaning that Madame Estelle was the secret
> maitresse of JV and also that they had a child (girl) together. But
> even in keeping highest respect to the complete research:
> all this are and remain theories, no proof is given, also if
> everything of these theories is looking very right.
> And without an evidence ... all this remains an other myth more about
> the life of JV.
> mail from:
> Bernhard Krauth
> have a look at:
> www.jules-verne.eu
> www.jules-verne-club.de
> www.bernhard-krauth.de
> www.bremerhavenpilot.de
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Peter Harold
> To: Jules Verne Forum
> Sent: Monday, October 09, 2006 1:53 PM
> Subject: Re: Maitresse et fille de JV
> --- Jean-Pierre PICOT <jean-pierre.picot5~at~wanadoo.fr>
> L'essentiel est malgrè
> > tout d'en finir avec la rumeur d'un Verne pédophile
> > ou homosexuel masqué,
> Bonjour!
> I think many truly want to have answers to these
> questions. If there is no new evidence, then we are
> still in our different intellectual corners, debating
> whatever if JV was homosexual, pedophile, just
> cheating his wife with a mistress, or - as some people
> also think - found sex to be an over-rated activity
> (and that's why he only 'produced' only one child).
> I agree with the urge to know the truth, but could
> someone explain in English what this new information
> relay on? I got the impression, after bablefishing
> Bernhards first message, that this wasn't really a
> huge scoop. Isn't the rumour of Estelles child old?
> And also, what about other rumours?
> Best regards,
> Peter Harold
Jean-Pierre Boutin
Laboratoire de Biologie des Semences (Seed Biology Lab.)
INRA, Centre de Versailles-Grignon, RD 10
78026 Versailles cedex
Tel. 33(0)1 30 83 33 39 Fax. 33(0)1 30 83 30 96
Received on Tue 10 Oct 2006 - 17:45:29 IST

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