Jules Verne Forum



Re: Hector Servadac

From: Ralf Tauchmann <ralf.tauchmann~at~t-online.de>
Date: 05 Sep 2007 09:41 GMT
To: "Jules Verne Forum" <jvf~at~gilead.org.il>

"Jan Rychl <jan.rychlik~at~seznam.cz> schrieb:
> “And even in him,” said Servadac, “perhaps we shall not find so
> indifferent a representative as we at present imagine.”
> conform to the French book version:
> – Ne nous montrons pas trop difficiles!» répondit le capitaine Servadac.

Dear Jan, dear all,

Just by the way: Servadac's statement ("Ne nous montrons pas trop
difficiles!") seems to me a bit of a joke and the English version
is surprisingly "meaningful" here. Shouldn't it be something like:

"We shouldn't be too fussy / fussing / choosey."
"Let's try not to be too exacting / demanding."

Best regards,

Ralf Tauchmann
Gerhart-Hauptmann-Str. 23

Tel: +49-351-8336141
Fax: +49-351-8336142
Mobil: 0178-4320374

eMail: ralf.tauchmann~at~t-online.de
Internet: http://tauchmann.ratau.de
Received on Wed 05 Sep 2007 - 12:41:30 IDT

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