Jules Verne Forum



EARTH'S FINAL FRONTIER TheStar.com - living - Somewhere . . . beyond the lake

From: Alex Michael Bonnici <albonnici~at~vol.net.mt>
Date: Sun, 9 Sep 2007 16:28:37 +0200
To: "Major Matt Mason Club" <majormattmasonclubonline~at~yahoogroups.com>, "The Carl Sagan Club Online" <thecarlsaganclubonline~at~yahoogroups.com>, <sagan-feynman~at~yahoogroups.com>, <carlsaganscontact~at~yahoogroups.com>, "Carl Sagan" <carlsagan~at~yahoogroups.com>, "ACC-LIST" <acc-list~at~yahoogroups.com>, "Jules Verne Forum" <jvf~at~gilead.org.il>, "SETI Bioastro" <bioastro~at~setileague.org>, "MajorMatt" <majormatt~at~yahoogroups.com>

Hello Gang,
               I just got this from a Google Alert. My good friend and mentor Dennis Chamberland is mentioned in the following article concerning Undersea Colonization from Canada's The Toronto Star.

"Overseer of undersea hotel in Fiji thinks people might live below Lake Ontario within three decades".

Somewhere ... beyond the lake
Toronto Star - Ontario, Canada
"But no one has ever lived undersea permanently - not one person in all of history. My group is planning to establish the first permanent civilian colony ...


Dennis is the author of the recently published book "Undersea Colonies".

I am currently involved in an Undersea Colonization project. Information concerning this project can be found below.


Also check out the crew biographies page which isn't quite ready. But, you will see my name listed with my photo.


and the promotional video.


Also take a look at DST II submarine:

http://underseacolony.com/prime/dstII.html and the Leviathan Habitat .

The Leviathan Habitat is the undersea habitat designed specifically for the Atlantica Expeditions world record breaking 80 day mission scheduled to begin in 2009. The Leviathan is designed for continuous habitation four aquanauts during the extended undersea mission.The Leviathan is designed to maximize functionality in a restricted space. Its floor plan allows for two private aquanaut staterooms as well as a private bath, separate wet room with hot shower and a command and control room that doubles as the community space and entertainment module.


Undersea Colonies are not science fiction any more. The Undersea Colonies book is also available for purchase.


Bye for now,

Received on Sun 09 Sep 2007 - 17:30:05 IDT

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