Jules Verne Forum




From: Norm Wolcott <nwolcott2ster~at~gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2007 15:06:59 -0400
To: jvf~at~gilead.org.il
Cc: q00q~at~atlanticbb.net

Courtesy of NAJVS, if you want more news than you can digest go to
julesvernenews.blogspot.com; the news is in french, but if you open it
in googles translating web browser you get a pretty good pidgin
english version of at least the first half. Google will not translate
long documents for free, so the last part remains in french.

Norman Wolcott, nwolcott2 at post.harvard.edu
Received on Tue 18 Sep 2007 - 21:07:04 IST

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