Jules Verne Forum



New xlation 5 weeks in a balloon

From: <1001~at~atlanticbb.net>
Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2007 11:01:21 -0400
To: "Jules Verne Forum" <jvf~at~gilead.org.il>

According to JVNews Volker Dehs, author of the definitive biography ( in German) or the life of Jules Verne, has just published a new translation of 5 weeks in a balloon (also in German), number V001 in the JVE sequencing of the Voyages Extraordinaire. Volker and I accidentaly stayed at the same small hotel in Amiens at the Mondial in 2005. My question and suspiscion is that isVolker is starting with V001 and intends to progress through all the Voyages in order (German grundlichkeit), a mamoth undertaking. ? Good luck Volker!
Received on Thu 20 Sep 2007 - 17:02:48 IST

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