Jules Verne Forum



Voting for the 180. birthday

From: BGYKrauth <BGYKrauth~at~t-online.de>
Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2008 20:11:50 +0100
To: "JV Forum Zvi Har'El International" <jvf~at~gilead.org.il>
Cc: "JV Gun - Club Boston" <gun-club~at~yahoogroups.com>, "JV Fans de JV" <fansdejulesverne~at~yahoogroupes.fr>, "JV Genootschap Groupmail" <jvg~at~yahoogroups.com>

Dear all,

since the 11th of this month, initialized by Passepartout who is keeping the blog "Jules-Verne-News", a lot of Vernethousiasts in France, Germany, Portugal and maybe also somewhere else try to "give honour" to Jules Verne due to the approaching 180. anniversary on february 8th. this year.

It is done on a french website called www.jesuismort.com (= I am dead.com) where more than 600 dead "stars" are listed in by a rank given by points everyone can gain by turning one of three playcards.

This three cards have avalue of 1, 5 or ten which are multiplied with a automatically generated pure hasard number from 1 to 1000 - so the maximum to earn can be 10000 points.

It can be voted in a certain time intervall (10-30 minutes) or by total disconnecting and reconnecting the internet. When we started Verne was on rank 40, now we reached allready place 27 today. The more participating of us the higher the chance will be to push JV upwards... So please everybody take the time when being online to call this site and vote for Jules Verne!

How to do?

call http://www.jesuismort.com/biographie_celebrite_chercher/biographie-jules_verne-1178.php?#ancre_votez-Jules%20VERNE and scroll down for the field with the playcards and click one of them, and if possible to it daily as often as you can.

The rank you can see on the tombstone or when clicking "Top 50" on the upper menu. If you click "Accueil" on the right you can see the 10 most visited deaths, actually number one is....Jules Verne!!!

Kindest regards and thank you


mail from:
Bernhard Krauth
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Received on Sat 19 Jan 2008 - 21:13:18 IST

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