Jules Verne Forum



Google books and Verne stuff

From: <1001~at~atlanticbb.net>
Date: Fri, 31 Oct 2008 23:40:07 -0500
To: "Jules Verne Forum" <jvf~at~gilead.org.il>

Nice to know that so much is now available on google books. But Google's policy of restricting access to perfectly public domain works is very frustrating. First of all they restrict access to all government documents published by the Supt. of Documents which are public domain by definition. And then there is the one in which I was particularly interested :


The 250 page sale catalog of the books in Edward Roth's library. (New York Public Library).

The only reason for this I can see is that some cataloger classified this using the words "private library" and google assumed this was private papers not published books..

Also frustrating is their access restriction on French books such as the Hetzels in the Oxford and Michigan Libraries they scanned. As Europe has a fairly standard copyright law, I fail to see why French books in a British or American library cannot be viewed.

Received on Sat 01 Nov 2008 - 06:43:27 IST

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