Jules Verne Forum



24 years to track down, but I am still none the wiser

From: Harry Hayfield <harryhayfield~at~googlemail.com>
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 13:06:07 -0000
To: "Jules Verne Forum" <jvf~at~gilead.org.il>


Back in 1984, breakfast television was quite a new innovation in the UK with
only two providers. The BBC had Breakfast Time (which broadcast from 7.00am
to 9.00am) and ITV had TV-AM (which broadcast from 6.00am to 9.25am) and
unlike Breakfast Time TV-AM also broadcast at weekends.

As a result of this, TV-AM broadcast children's programmes on both the
Saturday and Sunday. Saturday would see WAC (Wide Awake Club) presented by
Tommy Boyd (now a DJ), Michela Strachan (now a presenter on BBC) and Timmy
Mallett (now stuck in the jungle on ITV) and on Sunday would see programmes
for smaller children clustered in a programme called "Rub a Dub Tub" hosted
by a number of cartoon beans.

The link above (which may require free registration) is a clip from the
programme broadcast during Easter 1984 and I have a question for the experts
who are slighly more wise as to how made what. That question is:

"Who made this version and when?"

Received on Tue 25 Nov 2008 - 15:06:19 IST

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