Alex Kristukas has examined many versions of Tour of the World, and has found that many of the versions of White's translation on the internet (google books) are missing paragraphs in Chapters 12 and 13 and 32 when compared with the French versions. On comparing my version of Tour of the World as published in Lulu books (which was using a White reprint as master) with the original publication by Warburton I find that my version is also missing these paragraphs. which were in the original Warburton version.
Clearly redoing the text is not a possibility requiring total repagination, changing of figures, indexes, etc.Instead I will be withdrawing the book from sale until I have added an addendum including the missing paragraphs. In the meantime I have added Files Chap XII-XIII to my ibiblio website, where the offending chapters may be downloaded in 6x9 format--they may be reprinted in book size. The new material is shown in red type. (word format and html format only)
The deleted paragraphs in the Chap XII-XIII, section about the suttee of Aouda do not materially change the story. The two paragraphs at the end of the book iin Chap XXXII heap praise on the French ocean liners and disdain on the "emigrant" ships of the German Inman Line. These paragraphs would be very offensive to imigrant Americans many of whom probably arrived on the German ships.
The "Tour" should be now "full view" so that you can examine any parts of the book online.
Alex has written up his researches in a paper he is planniing to publish shortly.
Norman Wolcott
Received on Sun 08 Aug 2010 - 22:34:08 IDT