Jules Verne Forum



Re: second ms. of "Le Tour du monde"

From: Christian Sánchez <chvsanchez~at~arnet.com.ar>
Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2012 23:21:17 -0300
To: "Jules Verne Forum" <jvf~at~gilead.org.il>

It seems to me that the ms correctly says

"Sheridan mourut en 1816".

So, after all, it wasn't Verne's mistake that the book has the wrong date:

"Sheridan mourut en 1814".

Best regards,

Christian Sánchez
Rosario, Argentina

----- Mensaje original -----
De: Volker Dehs
Para: jvf~at~Gilead.org.il
Enviado: miércoles, 11 de enero de 2012 12:45
Asunto: second ms. of "Le Tour du monde"

Hello all,

there are two manuscripts of the novel "Le Tour du Monde en quatre-vingts jours". The first draft, at Nantes, is accessible on the site of the Bibliothèque municipale de Nantes, as you know; the second, kept by Hetzel and preserved at the Bibliothèque nationale de France (NAF 16998), has just been put online at gallica.bnf.fr

Bonjour à tous,

le second des deux manuscrits du roman "Le Tour du monde en quatre-vingts jours", conservé au département des manuscrits à la Bibliothèque nationale (NAF 16998) vient d'être mis en ligne sur gallica.bnf.fr

Best, Volker
Received on Thu 12 Jan 2012 - 04:22:12 IST

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