Jules Verne Forum



Progess on my sequel (of sorts) and a new 80 Days item

From: Harry Hayfield <harryhayfield~at~gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2012 12:05:47 +0000
To: "Jules Verne Forum" <jvf~at~gilead.org.il>

I thought that members might like to know that I am already on my sixth
chapter of my version of Around the World (although I should point out
that I am doing the basic story to begin with, then will add
descriptions of the areas like in the orginal before sending it to
either William or Michael for their appraisal) but have managed to get
my character to Siberia where he's just about to meet his version of
the Princess (the local mayor's daughter) after rescuing her from a
frozen lake. Whilst seeking some productions of Around the World in 80
Days to inspire me, I came across the following description that
slightly baffled me. It's a ballet shown on Sky Arts 2 HD (and SD) in
the UK on Wednesday evening at 11.05pm which has the following
synopsis: "Renowned French choreographer Maurice Bejart's final ballet
production before his death in 2007 is inspired by Jules Verne and his
global adventures". Now as soon as the word "inspired" appears in
something I have a case of "Oh, dear, nothing like the book then" and
am wondering if I should record it or not, if only to see if someone
recognises Passepartout's "rubicund complexion and despite the fact
that he was almost portly, it was clear that he had a muscular physique
with physical powers fully developed by the exercises of his younger
days" or is that expecting too much from the performing arts these days?
Received on Tue 24 Jan 2012 - 15:10:27 IST

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