Hello everybody!
My name is Nico Moragues, from Spain. From today I join this JV Forum, and
I just only want introduce myself to the group.
Hope to "read" you again,
All the best,
2012/6/12 Rick Walter <rick1walter~at~comcast.net>
> **
> Dear Art,
> Many thanks for all the kind words! I'd meant to post an announcement on
> the forum as soon as Amazon had copies to ship (and to sell at a discounted
> price); as of this moment, they don't. I'm pleased at how the volume
> turned out. Since the old Cashell Hoey rendering is heavily abridged, this
> is the novel's first complete English translation ... plus, I had the
> advantage, this time around, of instant access to the manuscript at the Bibliothèque
> municipale de Nantes <http://www.bm.nantes.fr/>, which helped me solve
> a number of textual riddles.
> Again, Art, many thanks. And I'll let the list know the instant I see that
> Amazon (and SUNY Press) are ready to do reasonable business.
> Very warmest regards,
> Rick
> Frederick Paul Walter
> Albuquerque, New Mexico
> ******----- Original Message -----
> *From:* Art Evans <aevans2~at~tds.net>
> *To:* Jules Verne Forum <jvf~at~Gilead.org.il>
> *Sent:* Tuesday, June 12, 2012 9:53 AM
> *Subject:* new translation of _Le Sphinx des glaces_
> Dear Vernians,
> Just a brief note to call attention to Rick Walter's new Verne translation
> _The Sphinx of the Ice Realm_ (Excelsior 2012). I just received my copy,
> and it is a very handsome edition indeed.
> Congratulations, Rick! Yet another "rescued" translation and a wonderful
> addition to Verne scholarship!
> Best,
> Art
Received on Wed 13 Jun 2012 - 07:22:22 IDT