Jules Verne Forum



Re: Pear soap edition, red boards of early Jules Verne books in English

From: James Keeline <james~at~keeline.com>
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2012 19:32:49 -0700 (PDT)
To: Jules Verne Forum <jvf~at~gilead.org.il>

I have always enjoyed Andrew Nash's fine site for exploring different editions of Verne's books. I have a couple of the Pear's Soap editions myself (plus some of the Sampson Low editions from the same period and similar format).  Andrew, let me know by private email if you can use any of the images for the books on this gallery:  http://keeline.com/Verne/Verne2/gal.php  Click on an image (especially use tabs if your browser supports them) to see a larger version.  Naturally you may wish more bibliographic details and I will provide all that I can. Other more modern books (and the old ones I have) are also on my LibraryThing.com account:  http://www.librarything.com/catalog.php?collection=92966  Click on the "Covers" button to see larger images (increase the number of rows up to 25 and use the "+" button to enlarge the images if desired).  I see that there are one or two books not added and a couple have generic LT covers but it's a decent spectrum of material.   James D. Keeline _____ http://www.Keeline.com http://Stratemeyer.org * Tom Swift Guide to Life* Tom Swift Ked's Book Reprints *Victor Horton's Idea * http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/24PalmerStreet >________________________________ > From: Andrew Nash <anash~at~julesverne.ca> > > I love adding books to my web site. There is still much work to be done >there. With permission, or with credit given, I would love to use any photos >that I am permitted to use. > >.. Andrew >
Received on Fri 22 Jun 2012 - 05:33:13 IDT

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